
What is QuakeML.jl?

A Julia package for reading and writing files in the QuakeML format, which describes the properties of sets of seismic events, such as earthquakes and explosions.

This package is primarily meant to be used by other software to correctly and reliably interact with QuakeML files. For example, Seis.jl and its related libraries use QuakeML.jl to parse QuakeML files, but do not expose QuakeML.jl types or functions to the user. Though QuakeML.jl is intended to be used as software by other software, it is still a goal that it should be easy to use directly and well-documented and -tested.

Note on naming

In this documentation, ‘QuakeML’ refers to the QuakeML standard, and ‘QuakeML.jl’ refers to this Julia package, which implements the QuakeML standard.

Current version

The current version of QuakeML is 1.2. This is the version of QuakeML supported by QuakeML.jl.

How to install

QuakeML.jl can be added to your Julia environment like so:

julia> import Pkg; Pkg.add("QuakeML")


To check that your install is working correctly, you can run the package's tests by doing:

julia> import Pkg; Pkg.test("QuakeML")